Archive for the ‘Waivers of Inadmissibility’ Category

ā€œAdmittingā€ to Certain Crimes Can Render A Foreign National Inadmissible to the United States under INA Ā§212(a)(2)(A)(i)

8/15/2012 Written by SRW Lawyers

Under the Immigration and Nationality Act (ā€œINAā€), an individual can be found inadmissible for a criminal conviction or a controlled substance violation. Inadmissibility based on a previous conviction is a predicable consequence; however, many people are surprised to learn that an individual can also be found inadmissible for simply ā€œadmittingā€ to certain criminal activity, even […]Read More >

The Consequences of a Criminal Conviction

3/30/2012 Written by Nevin F. Murchie

In the unfortunate event that a foreign national, whether in lawful permanent resident or non-immigrant status, is charged with a criminal offense, it is critical that he or she immediately consult a knowledgeable immigration lawyer about the possible implications a conviction may have on his or her immigration status. For example, you do not want […]Read More >

SRW Attorney Nisha Fontaine’s Article on Non-Immigrant Waivers Published in Toronto Newspaper

3/16/2012 Written by SRW Lawyers

One of our associate attorneys, Nisha V. Fontaine, has published an article on Non-Immigrant Waivers in a local Toronto, Ontario, Canada newspaper – Weekly Times of India. An excerpt of the article follows: For many years, our law firm has been working with foreign nationals who share a common background: first attempted to immigrate to […]Read More >