Recently, a young couple approached us and expressed their desire to marry each other and eventually relocate to the United States to begin their life together (at the time, the couple resided abroad together). Based on their intent to have a formal wedding ceremony in the U.S. and given their proposed timelines, we recommended that […]Read More >
In short, yes. While most applicants chose to file Form I-212, Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission into the United States After Deportation or Removal, to waive their previous removal order (whether it be an order of expedited removal under INA §235, a removal order from an Immigration Judge or a voluntary departure order […]Read More >
As immigration attorneys, we are often posed with this very question by couples who have recently become engaged and are trying to determine how to begin their life together in the United States. These couples have the following in common: one is a U.S. citizen and the other is a foreign national, who is usually residing […]Read More >